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Boot and Local Products Market

Mira-Minde Movement
The Mira-Minde Movement aims to stimulate a transition from an industrial economic model to an ecological and sustainable one. It is located in the middle of the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Natural Park and has as its common heritage the towns of Minde and Mira de Aire, the Mira-Minde polje, classified as a protected wetland by the RAMSAR convention. The Mira-Minde Movement considers it essential to embrace the ecological cause in order to move towards the quality of life for its people.
It defends the natural and urban territory, values local culture and history and brings the people of the two parishes together around a Mobilising Imaginary based on a community consciousness that cares for the environment, through the development of a transition movement towards a circular and ecological economy.
Movimento Mira-Minde

Do you have clothes you no longer wear or books you’ve already read? Are you fed up with that painting on the wall? What no longer serves you could be new and useful to someone else. Put it all in the boot of your car and come along to the 3rd edition of the Mira-Minde Movement’s Boot and Local Products Market, this time in the context of the Festival Materiais Diversos. With the 3 Rs policy always in mind: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, we’re moving ever closer to a sustainable lifestyle.