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Festival Materiais Diversos 2023

The work carried out by Materiais Diversos takes place within the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Natural Park, a limestone massif formed during the Mesozoic Era, more than 200 million years ago. It is as difficult to grasp such a time scale as it is to perceive the extremely slow movement of rocks. And yet they move.
Under these limestone rocks lies one of the largest underground fresh water reservoirs in Portugal. At the Mira-Minde polje, water reappears in rainy winters, forming a ‘sea’. And yet it is scarce.
Materiais Diversos has been investing in slowdown processes that allow us to understand the lengthy time of rocks and follow the movement of waters, in the hope of bringing to the surface a community of affections that slowly takes shape and that is based on companionship and collaboration practices. The Materiais Diversos Festival is the joy that spills over from that continued practice.
In this edition, we render a lot of what we regularly do visible. We present co-productions such as KdeiraZ, by Natália Mendonça, a performance that shows our commitment to bring young audiences closer to dance, and Decadência and Mil e Uma Noites, by Cátia Terrinca/UMCOLETIVO, which bring to light the writing of 20th century Portuguese female authors as relevant as Judith Teixeira, as well as that of many women from the Alcanena municipality.
We also present projects we’ve been accompanying, such as Didascálias, by Giovanna Monteiro and Leonor Mendes, and La Burla, by Bibi Dória and Bruno Brandolino, which have, respectively, the support of the Fios do Meio and Novos Materiais programmes, and also Coreografia em Sala de Aula, by João dos Santos Martins. In addition, there will be an exhibition to unveil the Corpo Comum workshops, which were led by Marta Tomé and Raquel Senhorinho at the Alcanena schools with fifth and seventh graders.
Las Lámparas, by Leticia Skrycky, All in the air is bird, by María Jerez and Élan d’Orphium, and O Banquete das Saudades, by Anne Lise Le Gac, introduce long discussions in the programme, challenge perception and memory, and instigate new collaborations. The same goes for recent talks that anticipate Bernardo Branco’s first album, and urgent talks that bring together Gio Lourenço, with Boca Fala Tropa, Elizabete Francisca, with a besta, as luas, and chica, an activist musician.
The Companionship and Collaboration – Art Practices for Sustainability seminar furthers an immersive and reflexive space for professionals, and the ‘long tables’ closely organised with local agents and partners, invite us to reflect upon youngsters and futures, waters, rivers and learning communities.
All this echoes and reappears in this year’s programme, and it is an encouragement for us to continue and to keep on meeting each other.
Elisabete Paiva and the Materiais Diversos team


☺ Artistic Direction
Elisabete Paiva
☺ Production Direction
Sara Abrantes
☺ Production
Catarina Louro, Edna Correia, Gabriel Lapas, Joana Silva, Rafael Vieira, Sofia Matos, Vanda Cerejo
☺ Participation & Mediation
Edna Correia
☺ Ticket office
Maria João Soares
☺ Communication Direction
Inês Lampreia
☺ Graphic Design and Communication Assistance
Carolina Couto
☺ Press Office
Levina Valentim
☺ Visual Identity Design
Sílvia Prudêncio
☺ Web Design
Sara Orsi
☺ Translation
Nuno Ventura Barbosa
☺ Video
Waves of Youth / Miguel Canaverde, Marta Salazar
☺ Accessibility coordination
Gabriel Lapas
☺ Accessibility consultancy
Acesso Cultura
☺ Technical Direction
Anguluz – soluções técnicas para espetáculos
☺ Financial and administrative coordination
Maria João Soares
☺ Accounting
M. F. Galo – Serviços de Contabilidade, Unipessoal, lda.

Materiais Diversos

Materiais Diversos is an independent professional structure whose mission is to encourage artistic research and experimentation, as well as sensitize multiple audiences to the performing arts, with a focus on contemporary dance. It supports the creation and dissemination of associated projects. It works in partnership with the municipalities of Alcanena and Cartaxo a program of development of audiences. Organizes the Festival Materiais Diversos, a project that, since 2009, promotes cultural access and participation outside the major urban centres, through a careful selection of artistic projects led by young and established creators, Portuguese and foreign.